Those interested in getting involved with our world changing events please contact: StrengthsFinder 2.0 Top 5 Strengths: Competition, Maximizer, Futuristic, Strategic, and Ideation I am passionate about innovation. Since before I can remember I have always had an eye for the future, it is what excites me most. I believe that technology and continued innovation of that technology is the most important thing we can do in our lives for humanity. I sincerely believe that technology is what drives the way we interact as a society, be it the creation of the phonetic alphabet, the invention of the printing press, or even the Internet, the power of one great invention to change the world has been demonstrated over and over again; and I want to be a part of the next great game changer. Virtual Reality is that next game changing technology.
VR Investor Panel03:15 PM - 03:45 PM Jun 2