Dr. Hendrik Witt, CEO of Ubimax, a leading Wearable Computing and Augmented Reality solutions provider. He holds a PhD in computer science from the University of Bremen and Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. Dr. Witt is an expert for user interfaces of Wearable Computers and has authored numerous international publications. His PhD thesis was supervised by Prof. Thad E. Starner, one of the pioneers of Wearable Computing. Dr. Witt started his professional career in research and academia, focusing on wearable computing and human computer interaction design for enterprise applications. He was one of the key researchers on the IST funded project “wearIT@work” which still is the world’s biggest wearable computing research project ever conducted. After working for many years at international top management and innovation consultancy Arthur D. Little, Dr. Witt founded Ubimax in 2011.