Kristin Neidlinger SENSOREE founder, future concepts designer — endeavors to craft phenomenal technology to enhance and expand physical embodiment. She has a background in dance, kinetic costumes, and in physical therapies as a Dance Medicine Specialist. SENSOREE began as MFA design research to create wearable technology to augment Sensory Processing Disorder, a condition which ranges from ADHD to autism. SENSOREE Design Lab is an organic confluence of artists and engineers. We craft Therapeutic Biomedia – biometric fashions that are therapeutic, emotive, and enhance sensory awareness. We are honored to have work presented globally at technology and healthcare conferences, in fashion shows, museums, and future visioning conferences.
Extimacy! - Can technology make us more human?01:50 PM - 02:10 PM Jun 2SENSOREE therapeutic biomedia is mood technology with auditory, visual, and tactile displays to promote extimacy – externalized intimacy – showing how you feel on the inside to the outside world. SENSOREEs technology communicates emotions and gives insight into the human experience. SENSOREE wearable designs give the body a voice – self awareness, communication, insight, empathy, and fun!