"Frank Steinicke is professor for Human-Computer Interaction at the Department of Informatics at the University of Hamburg. From 2011 to 2014 he was professor for Computer Science in Media at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Würzburg and chair of the Immersive Media Group. Between 2012 and 2014 he was the director of the newly founded interdisciplinary Institute for Human Computer Media. In 2009 he assumed an associate guest professor position at the University of Minnesota. He studied Mathematics with a Minor in Computer Science at the University of Münster, from which he received his PhD and Venia Legendi in Computer Science. His research is driven by understanding the human perceptual, cognitive and motor abilitites and limitations in order to reform the interaction as well as the experience in computer-mediated realities. Frank Steinicke regularly serves as panelist and speaker at major events in the area of virtual reality and human-co mputer interaction. Furthermore, he is on the IPC of various national and international conferences and currently co-chair of ACM SUI 2014 and IEEE 3DUI 2014. Furthermore, he is a member of the Steering committee of the ACM SUI Symposium and the GI SIG VR/AR. Finally, he is a member of ACM, IEEE and GI, in particular, ACM SIGCHI, IEEE Smart Cities Community, and the GI SIGs VR/AR, Medieninformatik and (Be-)greifbare Interaktion. "